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Just Kinetics provides professional, scientific, technical, research & development in natural sciences & engineering (biomedical and biomechanical) as it relates to human health and well-being (physical therapy). The company is a well-established international distributor and supplier of leading-edge medical technology combined with turn-key business technology solutions in ICT and digital marketing. Just Kinetics conducts itself in the delivery of sales, service, support and training in various and diverse markets ranging from oil & gas companies to professional elite sports teams.
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Just Kinetics ergoAI uses motion analysis software based on videos recorded from any device. The system uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) to perform ergonomic risk assessments.
Why Perform Ergonomic Analysis?
Ergonomic safety analysis is crucial for industrial assembly processes because it helps to identify potential hazards and risks associated with the physical and mental workload demands placed on workers. These risks can arise from various factors such as repetitive motions, awkward postures, heavy lifting, and prolonged standing or sitting. Failure to identify and address these ergonomic hazards can result in a variety of adverse outcomes for workers, including musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs), fatigue, decreased productivity, and increased absenteeism. MSDs are a common type of workplace injury caused by ergonomic hazards and can lead to chronic pain, reduced mobility, and even disability.
Conducting an ergonomic safety analysis can help identify areas for improvement in the assembly process to minimize ergonomic hazards and reduce the risk of workplace injuries. By analysing workstations, tools, and equipment, and adjusting them to better fit the physical requirements of workers, ergonomic safety analysis can improve worker comfort, productivity, and overall job satisfaction. In addition to preventing injuries and promoting worker health, a comprehensive ergonomic safety analysis can also benefit employers by reducing costs associated with workers’ compensation claims and lost productivity due to work-related injuries.
REBA (Rapid Entire Body Assessment) | Evaluates whole body posture, force required in lifting, pushing, pulling, and carrying, as well as frequency and duration. |
RULA (Rapid Upper Limb Assessment) | Evaluates upper body posture + movement, relevant for benchtop work. |
OWAS (Ovako Working Posture Analysis System) | Analyzes static postures, measures degree of deviation from a neutral posture. |